• info@golifefoundation.org |
  • Visiter Count : 18865

About Us


Go Life is committed to transform the lives of people by providing support
on Health & Hygiene, Respectable Livelihood and Education


To strengthen our communities in all field of life.

Focus Areas

1. Health & Hygiene
2. Education
3. Livelihood

Get Associated

1 - Shram Daan

It is said that "SEWA" done in any form will reduce your "BAD KARMAS" and increase in your "PUNYAS" so we wish you to give us atleast 4 hours of "SEWA" for the needy & the .....................

2 - Volunteer/Membership

Starting with the Holy Books of all religions, we know that donations is of utmost important as it increase the feeling of ’Abundance’ and also develops a feeling of sharing ....................

3 - Buy Grocery

By buying the Grocery Pack from our NGO, Part of its benefit will be given to the needy or NGO for running its charity programs. 1 Grocery Pack = 1 day meal for poorest We offer .................

4 - Donate HouseHold Item

You can donate used or unused households items that can be used by any needy. The worth of the item should be at least ₹200/-. We do not accept torn, stale and wet items. .....................


Our Volunteer